One Link to Provide Various Payment Method Options

Increase sales and improve customer convenience in transacting with you. Providing various payment method options with just one link: e-Wallet, QRIS, Virtual Account, credit and debit card.

Example Usage of OY! Payment Link in Business

Simply send a payment link containing various payment method options to customers or by attaching the link on your social media profiles.
If you are selling via messenger applications (e.g. WhatsApp and Telegram), you can immediately send a payment link containing payment method options for your customers in a flash.
Connect your business platform (app or website) with our API integration system. Provide a better, easier and faster payment experience for your customers.

Example Usage of OY! Payment Link in Business

Use case where this product being used by businesses:
Cukup kirimkan link yang berisi berbagai opsi metode pembayaran kepada pelanggan atau cantumkan link di profil media sosial Anda.
Bagi Anda yang sering berjualan via aplikasi messenger (misalnya: WhatsApp dan Telegram), Anda dapat langsung kirim link berisi banyak opsi metode pembayaran untuk pelanggan Anda secara praktis.
Hubungkan platform bisnis Anda (aplikasi atau website) dengan sistem integrasi API kami. Berikan pengalaman pembayaran yang lebih baik, mudah, dan cepat untuk pelanggan Anda.
Online Business via Messenger App

Directly send payment links to your customers through messenger applications, such as WhatsApp and Telegram.

Online Business via Social Media

Simply send a link to customers directly via Social Media Direct Message (DM) or by attaching the link on your social media profile.

Online Business via Apps & Business Websites

Provide customers with a better payment experience by connecting your business platform (app or website) with our API integration system.

Variations of Feature on OY! Payment Link

Variasi Fitur pada OY! Payment Link

Variation of Features on OY! Payment Link

Various Payment Methods Connected with
OY! Payment Link


Without the need to sign up to various e-Wallet platforms in Indonesia, you can access these e-Wallet platforms instantly! Customers will be directed to the chosen e-Wallet platforms to make payments. Improve your customers' shopping experience with OY! Payment Link.

Virtual Account

No need to manually validate bank transfers anymore! Now, bank transfers are verified automatically and in real-time, so you can process orders right away.
CIMB Niaga


OY! Payment Link allows your customers to make QRIS payments via bank (through mobile banking) or e-Wallet in ease.
Qris Icon

Debit/Credit Cards

Accept all payments from debit cards and credit cards that have enabled digital payments and are supported by Mastercard or VISA. Customers can also make payments through this method for high value payments or installments

Various Payment Methods Connected with OY! Payment Link


Tanpa perlu daftar ke banyak platform e-Wallet ternama di Indonesia, Anda dapat mengakses platform e-Wallet tersebut secara instan! Pelanggan akan langsung diarahkan ke aplikasi e-Wallet yang telah mereka pilih sehingga kenyamanan berbelanja lebih baik.

Virtual Account

Tanpa perlu daftar ke banyak platform e-Wallet ternama di Indonesia, Anda dapat mengakses platform e-Wallet tersebut secara instan! Pelanggan akan langsung diarahkan ke aplikasi e-Wallet yang telah mereka pilih sehingga kenyamanan berbelanja lebih baik.
CIMB Niaga


OY! Payment Link memungkinkan pelanggan Anda untuk melakukan pembayaran melalui bank via mobile banking atau melalui e-Wallet dengan cepat dan mudah.
Qris Icon

Kartu debit & kredit

Terima semua pembayaran dari kartu debit dan kartu kredit yang sudah mengaktifkan pembayaran digital dan didukung oleh Mastercard atau VISA. Untuk pembayaran bernilai tinggi atau cicilan, pelanggan dapat melakukan pembayaran dengan kartu debit dan kartu kredit tersebut.

What Are the Benefits of OY! Payment Link?

1 Valid for Lifetime Payment Link for All Payments

No need to create e-wallet and bank accounts manually! With payment link, you only need to create 1 link to give desired payment options for the customer. Having a varied payment options can increase sales and your customers’ experience in making transactions.

Easy To Activate: Activate with Various Integration Options and Without Integration

No need for NPWP, You can register and verifiy quickly. Get access to payment links easily with or without integration.

Use Link Anywhere and Anytime

You can access and simply operate payment links through both mobile and desktop dashboard.

Real-Time Settlement

With this product, payment settlements from customers can be done in real-time. Interested enough? Please contact our Account Manager!

Keuntungan Menggunakan OY! Payment Link

What are the Benefits of OY! Payment Link?

Types of Integration for OY! Payment Link

See How OY! Payment Link Can Help Various Types of Industries

Online Shop

Share OY! Payment Link via social media and messenger applications (e.g. WhatsApp, Telegram, Facebook Messenger) to receive payment for orders from customers.

Offline Shop

Share OY! Payment Link via social media and messenger applications to accept online order payments or delivery.


Freelancers can use OY! Payment link to receive payments from clients via email, messenger applications, and social media (e.g.Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, LinkedIn) for a more professional transaction process.


OY! Payment Link can be connected to e-Commerce platform’s checkout page for a better UI and experience.

Payment Point Online Banking (PPOB)

PPOB service providers can use OY! Payment Link for top up payment of game vouchers, mobile credits, bills, or money transfer to a beneficiary (transfer agent) via your own messenger application or PPOB platform.

Online Wholesaler

Online wholesalers can use OY! Payment Link for online payments. There are debit card, credit card, and bank transfer payment options that can be a solution for big transaction amount needs.

Website Enabler & Developer

OY! Payment Link makes it easy for website developers and online invitation platforms to integrate this product directly on the site they are working on for their clients for payment solution.

Software Developer (SaaS)

Software development services (SaaS) platforms can use OY! Payment Link as a payment option for seamless customer transactions.

Online Shop

Bagikan OY! Payment Link melalui media sosial dan aplikasi messenger (contoh: WhatsApp, Telegram, Facebook Messenger) untuk terima pembayaran pesanan dari pelanggan.

Offline Shop

Bagikan OY! Payment Link melalui media sosial dan aplikasi messenger untuk terima pembayaran pesanan online atau delivery.


Freelancer atau pekerja lepas dapat menggunakan OY! Payment link untuk terima pembayaran dari klien melalui email, aplikasi messenger, dan media sosial (contoh: Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, LinkedIn) untuk proses bertransaksi yang lebih profesional.


OY! Payment Link dapat terhubung dengan platform e-Commerce pada halaman pembayaran (checkout page) untuk tampilan halaman pembayaran yang lebih baik.

Payment Point Online Banking (PPOB)

Penyedia jasa PPOB dapat menggunakan OY! Payment Link untuk pembayaran top up voucher game, pulsa, tagihan, atau transfer uang ke suatu penerima (agen transfer) melalui aplikasi messenger atau platform PPOB milik Anda sendiri.

Grosir Online

Toko grosir online dapat menggunakan OY! Payment Link untuk pembayaran online. Terdapat opsi pembayaran kartu debit, kartu kredit, dan transfer bank yang dapat menjadi solusi untuk kebutuhan pembayaran dalam jumlah besar.

Situs Web (Website Enabler)

OY! Payment Link memudahkan pihak pengembang situs web seperti vendor pembuatan situs bisnis/personal, hingga platform undangan online untuk mengintegrasikan produk ini langsung pada situs yang sedang dikerjakan untuk klien Anda.

Software Developer (SaaS)

Platform jasa pengembangan software (SaaS) dapat menggunakan OY! Payment Link sebagai opsi pembayaran untuk kelancaran pelanggan saat bertransaksi.

Testimoni Partner

Muhammad Zainudin
Owner, CARAKA Print
OY! Sangat membantu saya dalam mengembangkan bisnis CARAKA Print Channel. pembayaran beragam, dashboard user friendly, serta layanan supportnya yang sangat responsif dan dapat diandalkan.
Muhammad Zainudin
Owner, CARAKA Print
OY! Sangat membantu saya dalam mengembangkan bisnis CARAKA Print Channel. pembayaran beragam, dashboard user friendly, serta layanan supportnya yang sangat responsif dan dapat diandalkan.
Muhammad Zainudin
Owner, CARAKA Print
OY! Sangat membantu saya dalam mengembangkan bisnis CARAKA Print Channel. pembayaran beragam, dashboard user friendly, serta layanan supportnya yang sangat responsif dan dapat diandalkan.
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OY! Multi-Account Management

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OY! Multitransfer

Kirim uang ke berbagai Bank dan e-Wallet secara sekaligus.
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OY! Claim Fund

Mudahkan proses refund, klaim reimbursement, dan pengiriman dana tanpa detail informasi bank tujuan.
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PT. Dompet Harapan Bangsa (“OY! Indonesia”) registered and authorized by Bank Indonesia, Register Number 21/267/Jkt/3
PT. Dompet Harapan Bangsa (“OY! Indonesia”) registered and authorized by the Financial Services Authority, Register Number S-326/MS.72/2019
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OY! Indonesia registered as the electronic system provider at Indonesia Ministry of Communication and Informatics, Register Number 000019.01/DJAI.PSE/02/2021.
ISO 9001 Quality Management System, ISO 27001 Information Security Management System, ISO 37001 Anti-bribery Management System certified by BSI under certificate numbers FS 751090, IS 751086, and IABMS 780552
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